Shoshinjyuku Wadokai
How to tie your belt

Knowing how to tie your karate belt is one of the first things a Karateka (karate student) will need to learn. The description and video below will help you learn how to tie your karate belt.

If you have any further questions on how you should wear your karate belt, then speak to your Sensei.

Find the middle of the karate belt and place it against your middle.

Cross the ends of your karate belt right over left.

Tuck the right end of the karate belt under BOTH strands and pull tight.

Complete the belt knot by tying left over


Pull the karate belt tight and allow ends to hang symmetrically.

The video shows you a more advanced way of tieing your belt.

Thank you to our guests Senri Ito & Rui Ito.